
The Sinus Headache Conundrum

Click Here for Information about Sinus Headaches Types of headaches including migraines headaches, cluster headaches and tension headaches can involve the forehead. Thus, causing a sinus headache.  However, sinus headaches are usually associated with sinus or nasal congestion as well as facial pressure over the cheek areas. At times, a deviated nasal septum can be

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How much radiation from a CT scan of the sinuses?

Many people are concerned about receiving unnecessary or excessive radiation exposure because of the health risks it poses. We are also aware of this at Nevada Sinus Relief.  This is one reason we utilize the Xoran Mini-Cat CT scanner to evaluate sinus conditions and disease.  This scanner emits less than one third of the radiation dose as a conventional CT scanner

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Managing Allergies In The Spring

Spring is here and with the warm weather comes increased pollen counts that result in seasonal allergies.  Seasonal allergies are very common with almost a third of the population affected by environmental allergies.Symptoms usually consist of itchy or watery eyes, runny nose with congestion, itchy sore throat, and sneezing.  Sometimes postnasal drainage and cough are also part

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In-office balloon sinus dilation vs medical therapy for recurrent acute rhinosinusitis

Summary:  In this randomized controlled study, we evaluated 24-week outcomes for in-office balloon sinus dilation (BSD) performed in office with medical management (MM) as compared with medical management only for patients with recurrent acute sinusitis. To read the full publication, please click on the following link:  IFAR Article IO BSD vs Med Therapy For RARS Nov

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Nasal breathing vs. mouth breathing-does one help better with memory?

A new article reported in the Journal of Neuroscience concluded that breathing through the nose results in improved memorization abilities versus breathing through the mouth.  The study was conducted at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden which is world-renowned in the area of neuroscience and neurology. Breathing through the nose is also healthier because it

Nasal breathing vs. mouth breathing-does one help better with memory? Read More »

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